Guide to Residence in Italy 2025

Brief Guide to Residence in Italy 2025

Are you a foreigner and want to obtain Italian citizenship? Do you want to learn more about how residence in Italy works? Are you interested in obtaining residence in Italy? You’re in the right place! With this brief guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to follow.

Before starting, we suggest reading our article on the possible ways to acquire Italian citizenship.

We must always remember that it is possible to obtain Italian citizenship either automatically or through an express request.

In which cases is Italian citizenship acquired automatically?

Italian citizenship is automatically acquired in several cases, including:

  • Citizenship by birth to Italian parents (“ius sanguinis”): according to law no. 91 of 1992, if at least one parent is an Italian citizen at the time of the child’s birth, the child automatically acquires Italian citizenship, regardless of the place of birth.
  • Citizenship by birth on Italian soil: if a child is born in Italy to foreign parents, but both parents are unknown or stateless, the child automatically acquires Italian citizenship. Another situation occurs when a child of unknown parents is born and found on Italian territory, provided that no other citizenship can be proven.
  • Citizenship by adoption by Italian citizens: if a minor is adopted by Italian citizens, they may automatically acquire Italian citizenship.
  • Citizenship through recognition or judicial declaration of kinship: this is the case when an Italian citizen recognizes a minor child after birth. If the child is an adult, they can retain their original citizenship but have the option to choose Italian citizenship within one year from the time of recognition, judicial declaration, or the validity of a foreign judgment.
  • Citizenship by acquisition or reacquisition by the parents: this occurs when the minor child of a parent who acquires or reacquires Italian citizenship can also directly obtain citizenship, provided they live stably and effectively with the parent.

In which cases can citizenship be obtained through an express request?

Italian citizenship can be expressly requested in the following cases:

  • Citizenship by voluntary acquisition: A foreigner or stateless person, wherever born, who has a parent (or a grandparent up to the second degree of kinship) who is an Italian citizen by birth, can apply for Italian citizenship through a prior declaration, provided they meet one of the following alternative requirements: having served in the armed forces, having been employed in a public office under the jurisdiction of the State (even abroad), or having legally resided in Italy for at least two years (reaching the age of 18 and submitting the request within one year after).
  • Citizenship by birth on Italian territory to foreign parents: Citizenship can be requested only after reaching the age of 18, provided there has been legal and continuous residence in Italy.
  • Citizenship by marriage or civil union.
  • Citizenship by residence (so-called “naturalization”).

Thus, residence is one way to acquire citizenship through an express request.

What is residence in Italy?

Residence in Italy, according to article 43 c. 2 of the Civil Code, refers to the place where a person has their habitual residence.

Residence is linked to habitual residence, which consists of an objective element, permanence in a place, and a subjective element, the intention of having a stable dwelling there.

It is important to distinguish residence from domicile, which refers to where a person is occasionally located and has legal value only in the absence of residence. It is possible to have more than one domicile, but for a residence to be considered such, a certain stability is necessary.

Residence, along with domicile and habitual residence, is one of the criteria established by the Legislator to link people to a specific place.

Over time, the institution of residence has acquired great importance, representing not only a legal bond but also a political and social connection between the individual and the territorial community to which they belong.

In Italy, residence usually refers to only one municipality, for purposes such as registration in electoral rolls and other tax and legal benefits reserved for residents of that specific location.

What rights are associated with residence in Italy?

  • Work: According to Article 4 of the Constitution, the Republic recognizes the right to work for all citizens and promotes the conditions that make this right effective. Every citizen has the duty to carry out, according to their possibilities and choice, an activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society. This right also includes protection against workplace discrimination, access to safe and healthy working conditions, and the possibility of joining a union and bargaining collectively.
  • Defense: This is regulated by Article 24 of the Italian Constitution, which states that “Everyone can act in court to protect their rights and legitimate interests. Defense is an inviolable right at every stage and level of the proceedings. Appropriate institutions ensure means for the underprivileged to act and defend themselves before any jurisdiction.” The right to defense is a fundamental principle of law, guaranteeing every individual the right to be assisted by a lawyer and to present an adequate defense in case of criminal or civil charges.
  • Health: The right to health is governed by Article 32 of the Italian Constitution, which states: “The Republic protects health as a fundamental right of the individual and as a collective interest, and guarantees free care to the indigent. No one can be forced to undergo any particular health treatment except by law. The law cannot in any case violate the limits imposed by respect for the human person.” This article establishes the right to health as a fundamental individual right and a collective interest, also providing free access to care for the needy.
  • Voting: The right to vote is regulated by Article 48 of the Italian Constitution, which states: “All Italian citizens of full age have the right to vote. The vote is personal and equal, free and secret. Its exercise is a civic duty.” This article establishes the right to vote as a fundamental right of every Italian citizen of legal age, while also setting out the principles of universality, personal nature, freedom, and secrecy of the vote.

Italian citizenship by naturalization

Through this process, known as ius domicili, it is possible to obtain Italian citizenship by applying to the Italian Public Administration (through the Ministry of the Interior’s website with SPID), after having resided in Italy for a certain period. This period varies depending on whether you are an EU citizen (4 years) or a non-EU citizen (10 years). For stateless persons or political refugees, the required period is 5 years.

Italian citizenship for foreigners and residence in Italy

Through the application for civil registry enrollment, a foreign citizen requests to be registered in the registry office of the chosen municipality. If the application is approved, the citizen obtains residence in the chosen city and can request certificates necessary for staying in Italy, as well as access local services.

Enrollment in the civil registry is essential for exercising the right to residence. It is necessary for obtaining an identity card and civil registry certificates, for applying for and obtaining an Italian driver’s license or converting a foreign one, and for accessing social assistance services and public housing or financial support programs, such as rent assistance.

What is the procedure for applying for residence in Italy?

It is necessary to send an application (in person, by fax, certified email, or regular email, attaching in the latter case a copy of the identity document) within 20 days of the events:

  • birth;
  • judicially declared existence;
  • relocation from another municipality or from abroad;
  • registrations following reappearance from irretrievable absence;
  • registration of a person erroneously not registered;
  • other reasons.

After submitting the request, it is necessary to wait. The Public Administration has 2 days to record the submission of the application and 45 days to verify the validity of the necessary requirements for registering civil registry events.

What documents are required to obtain residence in Italy?

  • A €16 revenue stamp
  • A birth certificate (translated and legalized)
  • A criminal record (translated and legalized)
  • A copy of the passport or identity card
  • A copy of the residence permit
  • A residence history
  • Certifications regarding family status at the time of the request
  • One’s own income and that of the cohabiting family member
  • A certification of knowledge of the Italian language (at least level B1, issued by a public or accredited educational institution or by a certification body); not required for those holding an EU long-term residence permit or for those who have signed an integration agreement
  • A copy of the payment of the €250.00 fee (on c/c n. 809020 made out to: Ministry of the Interior D.L.C.I. citizenship – with reason: citizenship – fee under art. 1 co. 12, law of July 15, 2009 no. 94)

As you can see, this is the administrative procedure to follow to obtain Italian residence.

With the help of a specialist in this matter, you will always be able to find answers to your questions.

Don’t hesitate to request a consultation with one of our lawyers who is an expert in Italian citizenship!

Dott.ssa Laura Catanese

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